あれ?RSS Graffitiは使えなくなったの?

Facebookページに、ブログの新規記事を自動投稿するのに利用しているアプリ「RSS Graffiti」ですが、5月に入って、投稿されてなかったので、どうしたのかな?って思ったんです。


RSS Graffiti is no longer available.

どういうこと?RSS Graffitiは使用できなくなりました、ってこと?


To the RSS Graffiti Community:

We are proud of the product we have offered over the past few years, but despite our best efforts to build a business, we have failed to make RSS Graffiti into a viable enterprise.  Here are the numbers:

We currently power over 300,000 Facebook pages;
Only about 500, or less than 0.25% of clients see enough value to pay for the service;
The cost of powering this infrastructure is much higher than the revenues we are generating, and from the time the product was launched it has lost a considerable sum of money.
Given the above, it has become clear that the product is not sustainable.  As a result, we will be discontinuing the RSS Graffiti service effective April 30, 2015.

As of May 1, 2015, RSS Graffiti will no longer be available on either a free, or paid, basis to power Facebook automation for you.

Please ensure that you transition your account to an alternative service provider before April 30, 2015.

Thank you for your support over the years.

The RSS Graffiti Team
RSS Graffiti | Easy Facebook Automation

英語はよく分からないのですが、2015年4月30日で、RSS Graffitiのサービスを停止してしまったようです。

う〜ん、これまでは結構、RSS Graffitiに任せっきりのところもあったので、どうやら代替サービスを探さないとダメなようですね。

